Laura Knaperek Nurse Training Scholarship Application Laura Knaperek Nurse Training Scholarship Application Your Contact Information First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number (required) Phone Type…MobileHomeWorkOther Street Address (required) City (required) State (required) Zipcode (required) Scholarship Questionnaire Date you started working with Hacienda HealthCare: What department do you currently work in at Hacienda HealthCare? What medical certification level are you trying to achieve at the current time? Do you have at least one year left of school/training? YesNo Are you attending school full-time or part-time? What school are you attending or planning to attend? Explain in 150 words or more why you chose nursing or the medical field? What are your long-range goals? Explain any experience that you have had working with a fragile population and/or individuals with disabilities? Tell us about a time when you advocated on behalf of a patient or family member. Laura Knaperek for whom the scholarship is named, was a strong advocate for the medically fragile and developmentally disabled. How could you honor her and advocate for others? Send